Illinois CNA State Practice Exam 2024 - Free CNA Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What should you do when you answer a phone call that was meant for a different unit?

Hang up

When you answer a phone call that was meant for a different unit, you should hang up. This is because you do not have the information or authority to provide the appropriate response to the caller's inquiry. Taking a message would also not be the appropriate action as the message may not reach the correct unit. Transferring the call may also lead to frustrations for both parties involved, as the caller would again have to explain their inquiry and the receiving unit may not have the necessary information to assist. Giving the caller the correct number may seem like a helpful action, but it is still not the responsibility of the unit to provide this information and may also not be the correct number. By hanging up, you can avoid any confusion or misunderstandings for both parties.

Take a message

Transfer the call

Give the caller the correct number


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